Student-Led Workout
I'd like to give a BIG SHOUT-OUT to our first set of MUSTANG students who helped create our very first "Student-Led" workout video by submitting content! (Can be found on the "Video" tab.) It was absolutely awesome and generated an amazing workout to share with our Sunny Hills Community! I'm so very proud of you and look forward to those videos I've already received for our next one! Keep them coming! Have someone video you doing 30 seconds of a Cardio-Respiratory Endurance Activity (Jumping jacks, high knees, cross-jacks, star jumps, mountain climbers, etc.) and 30 seconds of a Muscular-Endurance Activity (Push-ups, curl-ups, plank, wall-sit, lunges, squats, etc.). Submit your video to me and I'll try to use it in another "Student-Led" workout video!